Greetings to all.
When we started the journey with Collaboration Health Care, Inc. in 2006 we set out with some pretty ambitious goals. At the beginning, we established our vision for the "perfect" health care system. It was a system that balanced individual accountability and private initiatives with broader "governmental" goals. We realized the perfect system was going to need a combination of them both.
From our 40+ years of working in the system- we witnessed the development of the "silos" that had been created. Collaboration was limited- as everyone was looking out for their individual self-interests. We saw the different stakeholders "retrench and defend" when interacting with each other- instead of reaching out to "collaborate" and seek solutions that would be a win/win for all. Too often- our health care delivery system utilizes win/lose strategies.
We also recognized the "rigidity and structure" that was imposed on creativity within the delivery system- as stakeholders tended to view initiatives from a very limited perspective. Really good ideas that would benefit the broader system don't go very far if they don't meet the specific objectives of one stakeholder group. We lived through that one.
We also saw the importance of the individual- the consumer- that is left out of the equation until the end. With 80% of our costs related to lifestyle behaviors of our society- doesn't it make sense to get these individuals involved-- on a true grass-roots level?
The amazing thing is that all of the pieces are here. They just don't work together effectively.
So- our idea was to help facilitate collaboration, relationships, communication and pull creativity together to look for win/win solutions. We wanted to see if we could move portions of the delivery system into a creative mode- instead of the defensive mode that characterizes health care today.
We have a new Administration that will likely be approaching health care from a different perspective. Health care is now an economic issue- not just a social issue anymore.
What are your thoughts? What are your ideas to help collaborate, and bring the people and organizations together to help us organize the mess we have today?
We have no doubt that we can do it. We just need to get organized to make it happen.
When we started the journey with Collaboration Health Care, Inc. in 2006 we set out with some pretty ambitious goals. At the beginning, we established our vision for the "perfect" health care system. It was a system that balanced individual accountability and private initiatives with broader "governmental" goals. We realized the perfect system was going to need a combination of them both.
From our 40+ years of working in the system- we witnessed the development of the "silos" that had been created. Collaboration was limited- as everyone was looking out for their individual self-interests. We saw the different stakeholders "retrench and defend" when interacting with each other- instead of reaching out to "collaborate" and seek solutions that would be a win/win for all. Too often- our health care delivery system utilizes win/lose strategies.
We also recognized the "rigidity and structure" that was imposed on creativity within the delivery system- as stakeholders tended to view initiatives from a very limited perspective. Really good ideas that would benefit the broader system don't go very far if they don't meet the specific objectives of one stakeholder group. We lived through that one.
We also saw the importance of the individual- the consumer- that is left out of the equation until the end. With 80% of our costs related to lifestyle behaviors of our society- doesn't it make sense to get these individuals involved-- on a true grass-roots level?
The amazing thing is that all of the pieces are here. They just don't work together effectively.
So- our idea was to help facilitate collaboration, relationships, communication and pull creativity together to look for win/win solutions. We wanted to see if we could move portions of the delivery system into a creative mode- instead of the defensive mode that characterizes health care today.
We have a new Administration that will likely be approaching health care from a different perspective. Health care is now an economic issue- not just a social issue anymore.
What are your thoughts? What are your ideas to help collaborate, and bring the people and organizations together to help us organize the mess we have today?
We have no doubt that we can do it. We just need to get organized to make it happen.