For the past 3 years we have heard the Republicans vowing to
repeal the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) with no vision or plan for
replacement. Today, we heard President Obama and those on the left
communicating that with the exception of the federal exchange (
everything is great in Obamacareland. Neither side is facing reality.

Obama finally held a press conference that (I thought) was
going to acknowledge the existing flaws, address the real misperceptions
existing with and about the ACA, and the steps that were going to be taken to
get it back on track. I thought he would certainly recognize the deficiencies
existing with the federal web site, the challenges some employers
are facing to implement the law, the disagreements many have with some of the
requirements of the law, the reasons some individuals are experiencing “sticker
shock” attributed to some of the features of the law, and the general confusion
surrounding the intent of the law itself. I thought he would finally be selling the
broader purpose- the need to reform our health care delivery system for the
good of the country and our economy- as opposed to simply selling health
insurance. He opted to just sell health
insurance and trash the opposition.
The president was right when he stated the Affordable Care
Act is more than just a web site. Some of the early features of the law have
already helped many individuals (uninsured and those with pre-existing medical
conditions). However, to get the general public engaged is going to require a
providing a broader understanding of the steps that are needed to fix the mess
that exists in our health care system today. It’s time we faced reality and
acknowledge some things need to be fixed in the ACA and it should require
collaboration and ideas from all sides. Health care reform should be about
working together with all stakeholders to achieve a common goal for the
country. In 2010, I naively thought
there would be some collaboration to fix what needed to be fixed in the ACA.
That is obviously not where this is heading.
Reforming health care is not just trying to get people to go to a
web site that does not work to buy health insurance. Unfortunately, that’s the
message President Obama sent today and the flaws of the ACA are going to
remain. The country will end-up paying for it.
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